Pickleball Vs Tennis: What’s the difference?

Pickleball Vs Tennis: What’s the difference?


If you’ve ever wondered what sets Pickleball apart from Tennis, you’re not alone. With their striking similarities yet unique differences, these two games draw enthusiasts for varied reasons.

This article provides a comprehensive comparison between Pickleball and Tennis – exploring the distinctions in equipmentcourt size, and rules of the game. Read on to discover which game might suit your style better!

Key Differences Between Pickleball and Tennis

Pickleball and tennis have key differences in terms of equipment, court size, and game rules.

Equipment differences (Pickleball paddles vs. tennis racquets)

Pickleball paddles and tennis racquets offer a striking difference in the realm of both sports. The larger, string-covered surface of a tennis racquet is built for power and spin, designed to meet the high-speed incoming tennis ball effectively.

On the contrary, pickleball paddles are smaller and solid, often crafted from lightweight composite materials like graphite or aluminum. This compact design not only makes them easier to maneuver but also suitable for hitting the lighter pickleballs without adding extra bounce.

Indeed, these contrasting equipment characteristics shape significantly different gameplay strategies between Pickleball and Tennis.

Court size differences (Pickleball courts vs. tennis courts)

Pickleball and tennis may look similar at first glance, but one of the key differences lies in the court sizes. Pickleball courts measure 20 feet wide by 44 feet long, which is significantly smaller compared to tennis courts that are 27 feet wide by 78 feet long for singles matches.

This difference in size affects gameplay dynamics and strategy. With a smaller court in pickleball, players have less ground to cover and can engage in fast-paced rallies right from the kitchen line – an area positioned seven feet from the net on both sides of the court.

In contrast, tennis requires more maneuvering across larger dimensions, demanding longer shots and wider movements to cover ground effectively. These distinctions highlight how different sports utilize varying court sizes to provide unique challenges and strategic opportunities during play.

Game rules differences (Pickleball rules vs. tennis rules)

Pickleball and tennis have distinct game rules that set them apart. In pickleball, players must serve underhand and make a diagonal serve into the opponent’s designated court area.

The serve must clear the no-volley zone, commonly known as the “kitchen.” After the initial serve, a non-volley zone rule applies within 7 feet of both sides of the net, restricting players from hitting volleys there.

Additionally, in pickleball, each side gets two serves per turn until they commit a fault. Alternatively, in tennis, players use an overhead or an underhand serve to start the game.

There is no kitchen boundary to consider during play and volleys can be executed anywhere on the court without restrictions. Tennis has a let-rule for serves that touch the top of the net and still land inside playable areas.


In conclusion, while both pickleball and tennis are popular racquet sports, they have distinct differences in terms of equipment, court size, and game rules. Pickleball utilizes paddles and a smaller court, with unique rules such as the kitchen area.

Tennis, on the other hand, uses racquets and larger courts with its own set of regulations. Understanding these disparities will aid players in choosing their preferred sport based on personal preferences and skill sets.